Family Information

Parents or guardians, please provide your name and contact info below. (Once you enter your information and click on "Add Children", you'll be prompted to enter each child's information below.)

Tip: If you don't have one, type in

Home Address

Church Location

Choose what church campus you are attending.

*Photo Release

With your permission, we would like to be able to include your child(ren)’s picture in our e-newsletter, church website, Facebook, or other form of advertisement. Please check one of the options below to either grant Crossroads Community Church permission to use you and/or your child’s photo, OR deny permission of your child(ren)'s picture being used.

If you are granting access, please read the following statement:

I hereby grant permission to Crossroads Community Church to use my child(ren)’s photo on their website, Facebook, or in other official publications, and I acknowledge that Crossroads Community Church’s right to crop or treat the photo at their discretion.

I also understand that once my image is posted on the website or newsletter, the image can be downloaded. Therefore, I agree that Crossroads Community Church is not held responsible for any such occurrences.

With your permission, we would like to be able to include your child(ren)’s picture in our e-newsletter, church website, Facebook, or other form of advertisement. Please sign this release form to grant Crossroads Community Church permission to use you and/or your child’s photo.

I hereby grant permission to Crossroads Community Church to use my child(ren)’s photo on their website, Facebook, or in other official publications, and I acknowledge that Crossroads Community Church’s right to crop or treat the photo at their discretion.

I also understand that once my image is posted on the website or newsletter, the image can be downloaded. Therefore, I agree that Crossroads Community Church is not held responsible for any such occurrences.